
WP All Import Pro v4.8.5 Plugin Overview

WP All Import Pro v4.8.5 Plugin Overview

Effortlessly import data into your WordPress site with WP All Import Pro v4.8.5, a premium XML & CSV importer plugin. With just a click, import various data types, including Posts, Post Types, Taxonomies, Users, Comments, and Custom Post Types. Customize fields for each post type, and enjoy a seamless data import experience.

Core Features of WP All Import Pro Plugin

Use Any File Type:

  • Import data from XML, CSV, or Excel files effortlessly.
  • Supports large files and accommodates any file structure.

Custom Plugin and Theme Field Compatibility:

  • Compatible with custom plugin and theme fields for a versatile import experience.
  • Import images, categories, WooCommerce, ACF, and more.

Simple Interface & Flexible API:

  • Navigate a user-friendly interface and leverage a flexible API for a seamless import process.

Powerful Scheduling Options:

  • Schedule imports efficiently to meet your website’s needs.

Versatile Data Handling:

  • Import data into any theme or plugin effortlessly.
  • Export data into custom XML, CSV, or Excel files.
  • Migrate data seamlessly between WordPress sites.
  • Bulk edit data by exporting it, making changes in Excel, and re-importing it.

What’s New (Changelog) in WP All Import Pro v4.8.5

  • Improvement: Ensure temporary files never use a .php extension.
  • Bug Fix: Restore old CSV encoding conversion behavior.
  • Bug Fix: Orders cannot be matched by order meta.
  • Bug Fix: SFTP imports fail to run via cron in some cases.

Sales Page and Live Demo of WP All Import Pro Plugin

Discover the features of WP All Import Pro on the official sales page. Explore its functionalities through the live demo available on the same page.

Free Download WP All Import Pro Latest Version

To download the latest version of WP All Import Pro (v4.8.5), click here.

WP All Import Pro, WordPress data importer, XML importer plugin, CSV import tool, data import, custom fields, WordPress migration, bulk data edit, scheduling options, free download.