
WooCommerce Extra Product Options v6.3.2 Plugin

WooCommerce Extra Product Options v6.3.2 Plugin


Enhance your WooCommerce store with the versatile WooCommerce Extra Product Options v6.3.2 Plugin by ThemeComplete. This extension enables you to create intricate product variants and add-ons, incorporating features like pricing adjustments and conditional logic. Explore the possibilities of combining products with options such as ‘color choice’ or ‘size options.’

Core Features of WooCommerce Extra Product Options Plugin

Product Variant Options

  • Supports various field types, including checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes, text areas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker, color picker, and product elements.
  • Additional field types will be available soon.

Global Settings

  • Enable or disable the plugin and global options for specific roles.
  • Enable extra options in the shop and category views.
  • Hide the add-to-cart button until an option is chosen.
  • Control the placement of the options and totals box.
  • Enable or disable a floating totals box to display selected options.
  • Modify many plugin strings directly from the control panel.

Validation and Form Building

  • Validation features for enhanced data accuracy.
  • Form Fields Builder for customized forms.
  • Display options outside the WooCommerce product screen using action hooks.

Pricing and Selection

  • Choice between fixed or percentage price increase.
  • Limit checkbox selection.
  • Exact selection feature for checkboxes.
  • Import/export functions for forms.

Visual Enhancements

  • Lazy load images for radios and checkboxes.
  • Change product image for radios and checkboxes.
  • Price per character feature for text fields and text areas.
  • Extra styling options for radios and checkboxes.
  • Performance increase for a large number of options.
  • Image replacement for checkboxes and radio buttons on Global Options.
  • Choose the grid display for checkboxes and radio buttons for Global Options.
  • Hide or show prices.
  • Display sections options as a pop-up.

Conditional Logic and Upload Manager

  • Conditional logic for fields and sections within the form builder.
  • Sections can be displayed normally, as a pop-up, or a slider.
  • Upload manager for efficient file handling.


  • Detailed documentation for easy implementation.

What’s New in WooCommerce Extra Product Options v6.3.2

Sales Page and Live Demo

Explore the features of WooCommerce Extra Product Options on the Sales Page. For a free download of the latest version, click here.