
Posts Table Pro v2.4.1 WordPress Plugin Overview

Posts Table Pro v2.4.1 WordPress Plugin Overview


Posts Table Pro v2.4.1 is a robust WordPress plugin developed by Barn2 Media, designed to empower users in creating customized lists of posts, pages, custom post types, custom fields, and taxonomies. With the ability to present content in a table format, this plugin enhances user navigation and facilitates easy access to the desired information. Known for its user-friendly interface and customizable options, Posts Table Pro offers control over table content and appearance.

Core Features of Posts Table Pro Plugin

1. Easy Customization

  • User-Friendly: Simplified usage for seamless navigation.
  • Customizable Columns: Tailor columns to meet specific preferences.
  • Table Size Control: Adjust the size of the table as per requirements.
  • Date Listing: Display dates within the table for added context.

2. Table Management

  • Sorting Options: Choose preferred sorting methods for tables.
  • Advanced Search and Filtering: Implement powerful search and filtering capabilities.
  • Content Control: Regulate table content to enhance user experience.

3. Responsive Design

  • Mobile-Friendly: Ensures optimal display on various devices.
  • Fast Performance: Optimized for speed to prevent website slowdowns.

What’s New in Posts Table Pro v2.4.1

  • Date Display Fix: Date custom fields in the table are now presented in the current language, addressing previous English-only display.
  • Custom Field Selection Fix: Resolved a bug introduced in version 2.4, allowing the selection of posts with the cf option for custom fields, including multi-select types such as checkboxes or radio buttons.
  • Compatibility Test: Tested up to WordPress 5.8.3.

Sales Page and Live Demo

Explore more about Posts Table Pro on the official sales page.

Free Download Posts Table Pro Latest Version

Download the latest version of Posts Table Pro here.