
EventOn v4.5.4 (With Addons) Plugin Review

EventOn v4.5.4 (With Addons) Plugin


EventOn, version 4.5.4, is a meticulously designed event calendar plugin, showcasing events in a clean and clutter-free layout. This versatile plugin offers a minimal grid calendar display and boasts over 200 features, including customizable repeating events, multiple event images, event locations and organizers, and advanced functionalities such as multi-data types and language-specific events.

Core Features of EventOn Plugin

Display Options

  • Display upcoming events list by months.
  • Set pre-defined calendar event order ASC/DESC.
  • Highlight featured events above others in the calendar.
  • Show calendar with only featured events.

Calendar Configuration

  • Create calendars with featured images on the list.
  • Enable dynamic “load more” pagination of events in the calendar.
  • Display the calendar for certain fixed months.

Event Management

  • Support for single and multiple day events.
  • Create single day events or events without end day or time.
  • Schedule all day events.
  • Duplicate events in wp-admin.
  • Exclude specific events from the calendar.

Location and Organizer Details

  • Set event location image.
  • Define location by latitude and longitude.
  • Save and reuse locations for events.
  • Provide event organizer contact information.
  • Save event organizer details for reuse in events.

User Interaction

  • Customize user interaction options with events.
  • Use universal time and date formats across your website.
  • Schema SEO content support for calendar events.
  • Set eventCard opening to act as an accordion style.

Additional Features

  • RTL support (right-to-left text).
  • Limit the number of events per month on the calendar.
  • Categorize events based on custom taxonomies.
  • Create calendars with events from specific categories.
  • Fully customize data on event rows in the calendar.
  • Customize Google Maps interactive features.
  • AJAX-driven smooth month-to-month navigation.
  • Integrate PayPal for event payments.

Styling and Customization

  • Easily add custom CSS styles via EventON Settings.
  • Customize calendar month/year format.
  • Adjust calendar date and time formats.
  • Reset calendar appearance to default with ease.
  • Option to open eventCards on load.

Advanced Options

  • Custom Language Text support with included POT file.
  • Set events to show in random order.
  • Show events only for logged-in users.
  • Configure individual emails to receive payments via PayPal per event.
  • Make specific custom fields visible only to admin or logged-in users.

What’s New in EventOn v4.5.4 (With Addons)

= 4.5.4 (2023-11-14) =

  • FIXED: Zoom error when API info is deleted.
  • FIXED: move_ml_yl_to_top() no events error.
  • FIXED: check_updates() from cron on evo_install.
  • FIXED: Organizer description HTML clearing out on save.
  • FIXED: Twitter icon updated to X.
  • FIXED: Eventcard section title stripslashes.
  • FIXED: Jitsi script disabled in settings to not run wp_register_script().
  • FIXED: get_timezone_array() to return DST adjusted times.
  • FIXED: Eventtop text color on lightbox to sync with settings colors.
  • FIXED: hide_month_headers also hiding show more events button.

Sales Page and Live Demo

Explore the features of EventOn on the Sales Page. For a free download of the latest version, click here.