
Custom Admin Interface Pro v1.51 Plugin Overview

Custom Admin Interface Pro v1.51 Plugin Overview


Discover the advanced features of Custom Admin Interface Pro v1.51, a WordPress plugin designed to empower users with powerful tools for extending and modifying the admin interface of their WordPress sites. Developed from the ground up, this pro version incorporates valuable feedback from a user base of 10,000 plugin users.

Core Features of Custom Admin Interface Pro Plugin

1. Multiple Items Across Modules

Extensive Module Support
  • Diverse Modules: Enjoy the capability of having multiple items across various modules, including multiple menu designs, toolbar designs, admin notices, admin and frontend CSS and JS/jQuery, dashboard widgets, hidden metaboxes, hidden plugins, hidden sidebars, and hidden users.
  • Conditional Application: Apply different conditions/rules to specific users or roles in WordPress, ensuring targeted customization.
  • Revisions System: Benefit from a revisions system allowing the restoration of different instances of changes or edits.

2. Simplified Editing Areas

Intuitive Interface
  • User-Friendly Editing: Simplify the plugin’s usage with more intuitive and easy-to-understand editing areas.
  • Efficient Changes: Make quick and easy changes without wasting time navigating complex settings.

3. Additional Customization Options

Extended Module Options
  • Enhanced Options: Extend customization options to various modules, enabling extensive changes to the admin interface’s look and feel.
  • Code-Free Customization: Achieve a personalized interface without the need for coding.

4. Priority Email Support

Premium Support
  • Priority Assistance: Benefit from priority email support as part of the premium plugin, ensuring prompt assistance with any encountered issues.

5. Strong Guarantees

Functional Assurance
  • Guaranteed Functionality: Enjoy strong guarantees around the plugin’s functionality, with a commitment to resolving any issues or providing a full refund.

What’s New in Custom Admin Interface Pro v1.51

  • Changelog Not Found!!

Sales Page and Live Demo

Explore the features of Custom Admin Interface Pro on the official plugin page.

Free Download Custom Admin Interface Pro Latest Version

Download the latest version of Custom Admin Interface Pro here.